
FUE vs. FUT: How Are These Hair Transplant Methods Different?

Feb 01, 2023

FUE hair transplant

FUE vs. FUT: How Are These Hair Transplant Methods Different?

Surgical hair restoration is a procedure that uses your natural hair to fill in areas of hair loss on the head. A study shows that hair loss is an issue affecting a large portion of people, including up to 85% of males and 40% of females. Several types of hair treatments are available, which might need more clarification for the patient in determining the suitable hair treatment to meet their needs. However, there are two common types of hair transplants, i.e., follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT).

Continue reading to learn about the working process of FUE and neo graft hair transplantation, which might help you determine the suitable transplantation process to fit your needs.

How does FUE hair transplantation work?

In this process, the hair follicles are drawn individually from the back side of the head (donor area) and implanted manually into the bald area. Afterward, tiny holes are created in the receiver site to implant these harvested hair follicles. Due to this process, FUE hair transplantation is known as the most accurate and efficient method of transplantation. 

Hair Transplant Procedure

Before either of the procedures begin, the scalp is cleaned meticulously. Then a section of your scalp is numbed with anesthesia. Steps involved in a hair transplant:

  • The first step is to remove hair follicles from the donor area, typically the back of your head.
  • The hair in the donor area is trimmed, and the recipient is given local anesthesia.
  • The hair strip from the donor area is taken out, the donor area is stitched up, and the tissue is cut into follicular unit grafts.
  • Next, the recipient area will be prepared for the process, and the follicular graft units are transplanted on small incisions made in the recipient area.
  • The pattern of making these incisions may vary from individual to individual

FUT - Follicular Unit Transplantation

In a FUT hair transplant, the surgeon extracts hair follicles directly from the donor area of the scalp. This procedure does not require extracting a small section of skin. Here are a few advantages of choosing FUT:

  • It’s most suitable for individuals who need more grafts
  • Offers a full head of hair
  • It’s much easier to have long hair with FUT, and it can further help you by covering your linear scars
  • Requires a relatively short amount of time and is more budget-friendly

FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction

In an FUE hair transplant, the surgeon will remove a slice of your skin from your scalp (donor area). The incision cut may be long. Here are a few advantages of FUE:

  • Unlike FUT, FUE will leave no linear scar
  • With minimal to no scarring, short haircuts become a viable option
  • Best for individuals who need minimal grafts
  • Heals faster than FUT
  • The grafts are extracted manually.
  • The cost is cheaper than a neo-graft transplantation.
  • The FUE method uses a smaller punch.
  • FUE is a time taking process but offers complete control and precision over the patient’s hair.

Who Is a Good Candidate for FUT and FUE Transplant?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The ideal candidate for a FUT or FUE hair transplant procedure will vary depending on the individual’s specific goals and objectives. However, generally speaking, patients seeking to improve their overall appearance and self-confidence may be good candidates for either of these procedures. Patients who have experienced hair loss due to genetics, age, or other factors may also be good candidates for a FUT or FUE hair transplant.

Patients who should not undergo either of these procedures include those with poor overall health, those with active infections or diseases, and those with a history of keloid scarring.

See Also: How Many Hair Grafts Will I Need for My FUE Hair Transplant Procedure?

Frequently Asked Questions

Despite learning all the pros, opting for the new procedures becomes challenging. Read out the below answers to learn about the effects of hair transplants. However, you can contact us at MANE if you have another question, and we will be happy to help you with the answers.

1. Is transplanted hair permanent?

Yes, once you are finalized with the transplantation process, the transplanted follicles have settled on the scalp, and the hairs will permanently grow like your normal hair.

2. How Many transplant sessions Will I need?

The number of sessions varies depending on the current health status, the extent of baldness, and the type of result you are looking for.  

3. Is FUE suitable for both men and women?

Yes, it can be a great option for both men and women as it is a minimally invasive procedure that helps restore their hair.

Need Help with Any Hair Transplantation Services? Contact Mane Center for Advanced Hair Restoration! 

If you're looking for the best hair transplant in Chevy Chase, MD, look no further than MANE Centre for Advanced Hair Restoration. You can consult an appointment with Dr. Douglas Burka, a highly experienced and skilled surgeon who has helped countless patients achieve their desired hair. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn about the services in detail. 

To understand which hair restoration option will suit you the best, schedule an appointment with a hair restoration provider. They can analyze the underlying cause of your hair loss and develop a personalized treatment plan for you. Looking for the best hair transplant near you? Contact us at the Mane Center For Advanced Hair Restoration to get the best hair transplant surgeon to help you out. Our treatments options include:

  • FUE Hair Restoration
  • FUT Hair Restoration
  • ARTAS IX Hair Restoration
  • HAARTS HAIR Transplant
  • Long Hair FUE Hair Restoration
  • Female Hair Restoration
  • Eyebrow Hair Transplant
  • Beard Restoration
  • PRP Hair Restoration
  • Medical Therapy for Hair Loss and more

See Also: Do I Need to Shave My Head or Cut My Hair before a Hair Transplant

Our team consists of the best hair restoration experts, including Dr. Douglas Burka. He is also considered the leading hair transplant doctor in Chevy Chase, Maryland. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Burka is one of the most renowned hair transplant surgeons.

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